
Maria Laura Birgillito

Maria Laura Birgillito
Maria Laura Birgillito


Maria Laura Birgillito is an Investigator with the Fairwork Spain team.

Maria Laura Birgillito is a Lecturer in Labour Law at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Department of Labour Law and Social Security (Faculty of Political Science and Sociology), and a researcher in European and Comparative Labour Law. She holds a PhD in European Labour Law from the University of Catania (Italy), with a doctoral thesis on the comparative analysis of the historical and legal framework of the right to strike in essential services. The thesis was recognised with the Santoro Passarelli award by AIDLASS (2013). With 16 years of pre- and post-doctoral research experience, she has collaborated with several international networks at academic institutions including the University of Catania (Italy), the University of Castile-La Mancha (Spain), and the Complutense University of Madrid. She also served as a Remote Referee for the Horizon 2020 program at the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA).

Her main research focuses include:

  • The multilevel legal protection of workers’ rights at the international, European, and domestic levels
  • Comparative, European, and international legal studies on trade union rights and the right to strike
  • The legal regulation of platform workers’ labour relations

Most relevant publications on the topic:

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