The second round of Fairwork ratings for Egypt evaluates 10 digital labour platforms according to five principles of fair work: Breadfast, Elmenus, Filkhedma, inDrive, Mrsool, Orcas, Swvl, Talabat, Taskty, and Uber. The report highlights both the positive developments and the challenges to decent and fair work standards represented by digital labour platforms, including issues faced by platform workers in light of surging inflation rates and rising unemployment. Our research shows that while platform work has enabled workers to generate new income, or supplement already existing ones, its impact has been diminished as a result of rising inflation and the substantial increase in the cost of living.
Since last year, the Fairwork Egypt team’s research has had a positive impact on working conditions in the platforms under study. Dialogue with platforms has resulted in an increased willingness of many of them to improve working conditions for their workers, with four platforms improving their score since last year. The impact of this year’s research has been remarkable; examples include Breadfast’s adoption of a documented data protection policy, and Breadfast’s and Mrsool’s adoption of a documented anti-discrimination policy.
I am pleased to see how our work in collaboration with different stakeholders – platform workers, managers, civil society and policymakers – contributes towards the continuous betterment of working conditions, promoting entrepreneurship, good governance, and inclusive policy making in Egypt.
Nagla Rizk
Professor of Economics at AUC and Founding Director of A2K4D
Webinar: Fairwork Egypt Ratings 2021 Report Launch