
Darcy du Toit

Darcy du Toit


Darcy du Toit is a Co-Investigator on the Fairwork project. He is also an Emeritus Professor at the University of the Western Cape and former Dean of Law, and currently coordinates a new niche area in the Faculty of Law, Labour Law 4.0. 

His research has focused on the impact of digitalisation on labour rights, changing forms of work, discrimination in the workplace, workplace democratisation, employment equity, strike law and domestic work. He has contributed to the adoption of ILO Convention 189 of 2011 on domestic workers, and more recently on platform work. Darcy’s recent publications include the chapter, ‘From ‘platform capitalism’ towards a ‘sharing economy’’ in Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft durch Arbeitsrecht (Deinert, Heuschmid, Kittner and Schmidt eds., 2018), and the paper, One Small Step Towards Decent Work: Uber v Aslam in the Court of Appeal. You can see a full list of his publications here. He is also the editor and co-author of two standard works on South African labour law. 

As a practitioner he has worked as a labour arbitrator and remains a consultant to Bradley Conradie Halton Cheadle Attorneys, a firm specialising in labour law, in which capacity he represented former Uber drivers in the first litigation against Uber in South Africa. Internationally, he has served inter alia as a Vice-President of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law.

For the Fairwork project, Darcy, along with Professor Sandra Fredman, co-organises and supervises research into the scope for legal regulation aimed at promoting decent work in the platform economy, based principally in Cape Town.