
Arturo Arriagada

Arturo Arriagada

Principal Investigator

Arturo Arriagada is the Principal Investigator for the Fairwork project in Chile. He is an associate professor of communications at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI-Chile), where conducts research at the intersection of media, technology, and society. He also is the Director of Social Media Culture, a research laboratory based at the School of Communications and Journalism at UAI that studies the role of social media and platforms in social and economic life. Since, 2022 he is also an Associate Researcher in the Millennium Center on the Evolution of Work (MNEW), a multidisciplinary project to studying the future of work funded by Chile’s National Agency for Research and Development (ANID).

Arturo’s particular areas of interest include social media and labor; social media and political communication; platform economy and promotional culture. His work has been published in Social Media + Society, Communication, Culture & Critique, Journal of Cultural Economy, Journal of Communication, amongst others. A full list of his publications can be seen here.

For the Fairwork project, Arturo develops and leads the research strategy in Chile. This includes adapting the Fairwork principles, interviewing workers and platform executives, analysing the evidence and developing platforms’ scores, and disseminating the results.