
Callum Cant

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Callum Cant is a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute and a research affiliate of the Autonomy think tank. Callum is working on the Global Partnership for AI’s ‘AI for Fair Work’ project focusing on designing regulatory frameworks for AI in the workplace.

His doctoral research was a workers’ inquiry into the class composition of young, precarious, disorganised and low-paid service sector workers in the UK. After completing his PhD in 2020, Callum worked as head of communications at Momentum before returning to research.

Callum’s first book is Riding for Deliveroo, an investigation of class conflict in platform capitalism. He is also the co-author of ‘Fast Food Shutdown: From disorganisation to action in the service sector’ in Capital & Class and ‘Digital workerism: Technology, Platforms, and the Circulation of Workers’ Struggles’ in tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. For a full list of publications, see his website.