
Tasnim Mustaque

Tasnim Mustaque photo


Tasnim Mustaque is a researcher and research coordinator for Fairwork Bangladesh. He is also the inaugural Department Head of DataSense, the analytics wing at iSocial (Infolady Social Enterprise Limited), which provides both market intelligence and research services to a wide range of clients including development bodies, government agencies, and commercial enterprises.

He began his career in international development and has first-hand experience in designing, analyzing, and monitoring adaptive interventions for developing world socio-economic systems. His expertise is in value chains, stakeholder relations, and rural development.

At DataSense, he is responsible for building mechanisms to generate and direct the flow of data from the Bottom of The Pyramid for analysis and use in business, development, and research cases for better design, decision-making, and impact.

Currently in Bangladesh acquiring practical experience, he plans to pursue academic research in political economy and development. Tasnim has formal training in economics and politics, and holds a B.A. from New York University, USA.

For the Fairwork project, Tasnim is invovled in the research design, landscape analysis, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and strategic advocacy in Bangladesh.