
BluSmart ( India )

Icon for Fair Pay

Principle 1: Fair Pay


Ensures workers earn at least the local minimum wage after costs (one point)


Ensures workers earn at least a local living wage after costs (one additional point)

Icon for Fair Conditions

Principle 2: Fair Conditions


Ensures safe working conditions and a safety net (one additional point)

Icon for Fair Representation

Principle 5: Fair Representation


Assures freedom of association and the expression of worker voice (one point)


Supports democratic governance (one additional point)



The Fairwork Scoring System entails that each Fairwork Principle is divided into two thresholds. Accordingly, for each Principle, the scoring system allows a first point to be awarded corresponding to the first threshold, and an additional second point to be awarded corresponding to the second threshold. The second point under each Principle can only be awarded if the first point for that Principle has been awarded.

An explanation of how we assess platforms against these principles and the information and evidence that we gather and analyse when we make our assessment can be found here.

The above scores should be read in conjunction with these explanatory notes.

Platforms are awarded a point where there is verifiable evidence to demonstrate that the platform has achieved the relevant threshold. A blank score therefore means that there was no verifiable evidence to award a point.

A platform can therefore receive a maximum Fairwork Score of ten points.

Fairwork scores are updated on a yearly basis.

An explanation of the conditions that need to be met for a threshold to be achieved can be found here.


BluSmart has policies and mechanisms in place to protect its workers from task-specific risks, including safety training, SOS and vehicle breakdown buttons.


BluSmart’s T&Cs are clear, transparent, and accessible in multiple regional languages to workers. The T&Cs are subject to Indian law. BluSmart has a data protection policy that details the types of data collected from a worker and the measures put in place to protect this data.


BluSmart’s T&Cs contain provisions that reduce asymmetry in liabilities and provide compensation in case of an outage of the platform’s application or systems. The T&Cs do not contain any provisions to prevent workers from seeking redress.


There are documented channels through which workers can raise grievances. Workers also have the option to contact human representatives for problems and appeal disciplinary actions. BluSmart has developed a plan of action for sharing warnings with workers prior to penalising them and adopted an anti-retaliation policy to ensure workers are not penalised for raising concerns or grievances.


BluSmart has adopted an anti-discrimination policy that protects workers from discriminatory acts and provides for equality and inclusion. The platform also conducted an external independent audit of its algorithm to check for biases in work allocation.