
Fairwork Albania Ratings 2023: Assessing Work in the Albanian Platform Economy

Cover page Fairwork Albania Report

The first Fairwork report for Albania analyses digital labour platforms in an evolving policy and labour market context. In Albania, such platforms have recently faced scrutiny from the media and academic community regarding the increasingly precarious situation of workers. Our Fairwork Albania ratings, which cover five platforms across four sectors (food delivery, e-commerce, courier services, and taxi services), show that while most platform workers continue to face unfair working conditions and lack social protections, in the case of one platform, workers are receiving benefits comparable to, or sometimes even better, than the statutory entitlements of the standard employment contract.

This report assesses five of Albania’s digital labour platforms against five principles of fairness—fair pay, fair conditions, fair contracts, fair management, and fair representation—giving each a rating out of ten. In this year’s scoring, Baboon leads the table with seven  points, with SpeedTaxi and Aladini both in second place with two points. As per our methodology, we only give points to platforms when they have provided verifiable evidence that they satisfy the principle.

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