
Benjamin Herr

Benjamin Herr photo


Benjamin Herr is a co-investigator for the Fairwork Project in Austria. Benjamin is involved in data collection and data analysis.

He is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Sociology, University of Vienna.

Funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, his PhD project investigates boundaryless work, spatial fragmentation and digitalisation using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

His recent works include:

  • Herr (2017): Riding in the gig economy: An in-depth study of a branch in the app-based on-demand food delivery sector, Chamber of Labour Vienna, Discussion Paper,
  • Herr (2018): Fahrräder, Apps und die neue Art der Essenszustellung, Vienna: ÖGB Verlag
  • Herr, P. Schörpf, & J. Flecker (forthcoming): How place and space matter to union organizing among platform labour. in Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy, ed. by J. Drahokoupil und K. Vandaele. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing