
Eloísa González

Eloísa González


Eloísa González is part of the  Fairwork Uruguay team with responsibilities including interviewing workers and platform executives, data analysis, developing platform scores, report writing and dissemination.

Eloísa is a professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Uruguay. She is director of the Department of Organisational Studies and heads a team of researchers in the discipline.

Eloísa has a PhD in Business Administration and Human Resources, a B.A in Labour Relations, and she specialises in employment, labour disputes, and decent work.

Awarded two scholarships, Santander Bank (Barcelona, ​​2012) and Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (New Delhi, 2015), she is a member of the board of directors of ADPUGH (Association of Uruguayan Professionals in Human Management).

 Her publications include:

  • Monthly and annual reports on the labor conflict of January 2011 to date, at the Catholic University of Uruguay, which can be found here.
  • Collective bargaining in the textile clothing sector in Uruguay with Graciela Mzzuchi, Work and Employment Conditions Series Nº96. ILO Geneva (2018)
  • Project to measure and advance productivity at the company level with Juan Manuel Rodríguez, John Miles, Viviana Umpiérrez and Bibiana Lanzilotta (2018) financed by the IDB and carried out by researchers from UCU and the University of the Republic (UDELAR)
  • Collective bargaining, wages and productivity. The Uruguayan case with Juan Manuel Rodriguez and Garciela Mazzuchi. Conditions of Work and Employment Series Nº60. ILO Geneva