
Rodrigo Carelli



Rodrigo Carelli is Co-investigator of the Fairwork Project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a Professor in Labor Law at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Rodrigo coordinates the research group “Trab21 – Trabalho no Século XXI” (“Work in the 21st Century”), at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. His research interests include new designs of work, specially linked to digital platforms. Rodrigo recently co-authored La régulation du travail des chauffeurs de VTC : disruption et résistance par la voie du droit with Donna Kesselman, and  Le rôle clé du pouvoir judiciaire dans la régulation des plateformes de VTC with Gustavo Seferian.

For the Fairwork project, Rodrigo gathers evidence about platform work conditions in Rio de Janeiro through interviews and desk research, and analyses primary data.