
New Project Launched on TVET and Skills Development in India

Posted on 20.05.2020

Which lessons does the intersection between TVET, (in)formal employment, and digital labour platforms hold for development cooperation in a post-pandemic world?

In a new research project commissioned by GIZ’s Sector Project on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Fairwork researchers aim to find empirical answers to this question.

Through this project, we hope to better understand the skills that are particularly useful for workers on online work platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Upwork,, etc., and the challenges that workers face in acquiring skills.

The project will combine a survey administered to over 400 Indian platform workers, with more than two dozen in-depth worker interviews, as well as interviews with key TVET stakeholders in India. The project aims to derive practical recommendations for German development cooperation to underpin future TVET programmes geared towards underserved Indian platform workers.