
Fairwork 2020 Annual Report

Fairwork 2020 annual report

2020 has been a year of unpredicted and unprecedented challenges. More than 60 million people have fallen ill with COVID-19 and many countries face the highest unemployment rates in decades. During this time, gig workers have played an essential role providing delivery, cleaning, and care services, enduring unsafe and precarious conditions as they carry out essential work. The pandemic has highlighted the urgency and importance of improving working conditions for platform workers. Our annual report presents an overview of Fairwork’s impact over the past year.

You can find the latest on our work in this report. In the coming year, we remain committed to giving voice to platform workers and building a safer, fairer world. Our growing network will allow us to collaborate with workers, advocates, policymakers, and business leaders to conduct meaningful ratings and research, enact change, and envision and build a better future of work.


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