
Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2022/23: Platform Hybrid Models

Cover Fairwork Ecuador report 2022/23

Ecuadorian platforms are struggling to maintain their position in a weak market where economic growth and employment rates have stagnated. Only a few local platforms seem to be introducing fairer practices into the way they do business.

This year’s report, which marks the third cycle of our research in Ecuador, evaluates 10 digital labour platforms according to five principles of Fairwork. These platforms are: Asoclim, Tipti, Digitaxi, AloApp, Didi, Cabify, Uber, Uber Eats, Pedidos Ya, and Rappi. Five of these platforms are ridesharing, four are on-demand delivery services, and one provides care and domestic services.

The scores presented in this report indicate that reforms are needed to move towards a more equitable and decent platform economy. Platforms must aspire to improve workers’ pay by considering task-specific and work-related costs. They must also work to constantly improve working conditions, especially in light of the rapidly changing economic situation in Ecuador. Platforms must, furthermore, recognize worker-led initiatives that provide workers with a chance to shape platform policies, and should fully embrace the collective voice of their workers.

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