
Fairwork UK Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy

Fairwork UK 2021 report cover

This new report presents the first set of Fairwork ratings for the UK and establishes a baseline on the country’s platform economy that will be updated on a yearly basis. Eleven platforms in the ride-hailing, food delivery, courier and domestic services sectors were evaluated against the five principles of Fairwork and given a score out of ten.

The scores ranged from zero to eight, showing a large variability in the fairness of the work offered by digital platforms in the UK. Despite a few platforms achieving high scores, the majority of the platforms we evaluated failed to evidence that basic standards of fairness are met. The low scores of many popular platforms in the Fairwork UK league table clearly demonstrates the need for regulatory reform and enforcement to ensure gig workers are no longer falling through the cracks.

By raising awareness of the conditions of gig workers in the UK and across the world, Fairwork aims to assist workers, consumers and regulators in making platforms accountable for their practices, and creating a world of fair platform work.

A more accessible version is also available for users with screen-readers.

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