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Fairwork Pledge
Die digitale Plattformökonomie wächst rasant und bietet vielen Menschen neue Einkommenschancen. Arbeit auf digitalen Plattformen ist jedoch in vielen Fällen schlecht bezahlt und unsicher und Arbeiter*innen sind oft nicht ausreichend durch nationale Arbeitsgesetze geschützt.
Fairwork evaluiert Arbeitsbedingungen auf digitalen Plattformen in Europa, Afrika, Asien und Nord- und Lateinamerika und macht gute und schlechte Unternehmenspraktiken sichtbar. So zeigt Fairwork, dass unfaire Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattformökonomie nicht unvermeidbar, sondern das Ergebnis von unfairen Unternehmenspraktiken sind. Gleichzeitig zeigt Fairwork mit den fünf Prinzipien fairer Arbeit wie Plattform-Arbeit gerechter gestaltet werden kann.
Mit dem ‚Fairwork Pledge‘ bietet Fairwork Organisationen wie Unternehmen, Universitäten, Schulen und NGOs die Möglichkeit sich gemeinsam mit Fairwork für eine gerechtere Zukunft der Arbeit in der Plattform-Ökonomie zu engagieren:
Universitäten, Schulen, Unternehmen und NGOs können etwas bewirken, indem sie sich verpflichten – wenn möglich – nur digitale Plattformen zu nutzen, die sich an den Fairwork Prinzipien orientieren.
Lokale Regierungen und Verwaltungen können zu fairer Arbeit in der Plattformökonomie beitragen, indem sie sinnvolle Regulierungen und soziale Mindeststandards einführen.
Sozial verantwortliche Investoren oder Rating-Agenturen können faire Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattform-Ökonomie fördern, indem sie sicherstellen, dass sie oder ihre Kund*innen nur in Plattformen investieren, die faire Arbeitsbedingungen bieten.
Darüber hinaus gibt es viele weitere Möglichkeiten, wie Organisationen eine gerechtere Zukunft der Plattformarbeit engagieren können. Gerne entwickeln wir diese gemeinsam mit Ihnen!
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Fairwork Partners
Erfahre mehr über die gegenwärtigen Fairwork Partner und Ihr Engagement für faire Plattformarbeit

McDonald’s Deutschland
Fairwork untersucht die Arbeitsbedingungen von digitalen Plattformen wie zum Beispiel Lieferdiensten. Dafür hat das Projekt fünf Prinzipien der fairen Arbeit ausgearbeitet, die wir von McDonald’s Deutschland unterstützen. Auch wir erwarten von unseren Partnern, dass sie Menschenrechte respektieren und einhalten. Aus diesem Grund sind wir dem Fairwork Pledge beigetreten und freuen uns, deren Partner zu sein.

Learning Lions
Learning Lions is a non-profit organisation providing young adults in impoverished rural areas of Eastern Africa with IT and media skills.
Learning Lions have committed to include the Fairwork Cloudwork ratings in their academy curricula for their trainees so that they can understand the differences in working conditions between online labour platforms and guide their decision on which platforms they want to work for in the future.

WZB Berlin Social Science Center
The WZB is one of Germany’s leading research institutions in the field of Social Sciences employing around 200 scientists and about 150 administrative staff members. The WZB also hosts the Fairwork Secretariat. As a Fairwork partner, the WZB has made the Fairwork principles and ratings a criterion in the procurement process for contracting services via digital platforms. When employees want to use digital platforms – e.g. for services such as data entry, data cleaning, filling out surveys, transcriptions, translations or proof-reading – they are now required to take the Fairwork ratings into account and to choose, where possible, a platform that fulfils at least the minimum standards of fair work as set out by the Fairwork Principles.

Meatspace Press
Meatspace Press is an independent publisher that focuses on digital technology, labour and society. As Fairwork Partner, Meatspace Press has committed to consulting Fairwork Scores when hiring outside experts, consultants, and service providers through digital labour platforms and to choose better rating platforms, where available.

Solidarity Centre AFL-CIO
The Solidarity Center is the largest U.S.-based international worker rights organization helping workers attain safe and healthy workplaces, family-supporting wages, dignity on the job, widespread democracy and greater equity at work and in their community. Allied with the AFL-CIO, the Solidarity Center assists workers across the globe as, together, they fight discrimination, exploitation and the systems that entrench poverty—to achieve shared prosperity in the global economy.

Labor Tech Research Network
Labor Tech Research Network is an interdisciplinary and transnational group of experts concerned with technology and work. They are committed to sustained reflection and action on the promise and perils of technological developments, especially as they impact the workplace.
Labor Tech Research Network promotes scholar-activists, offer resources for social justice activities, and create a home for critical scholarship.

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world.
GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security.
Commissioned by BMZ, GIZ is the main funder of the Fairwork project. As a Fairwork partner, they are committed to help establish the Fairwork principles as a global benchmark for fair platform work.

Internet Bolivia Foundation
The Internet Bolivia Foundation promotes digital rights and digital inclusion in Bolivia by implementing projects to advocate for better public policies, helping to develop the skills of different groups (most of which are vulnerable populations) and doing evidence-based research.

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) was founded in 2011 to research the development of the internet from a societal perspective and better understand the digitalisation of all spheres of life. As the first institute in Germany with a focus on internet and society, HIIG has established an understanding that centres on the deep interconnectedness of digital innovations and societal processes. The development of technology reflects norms, values and networks of interests, and conversely, technologies, once established, influence social values.

Social Justice Platform
Social Justice Platform is an independent research collective and collaborative learning space for action-oriented researchers interested in social justice issues. The platform includes a diverse team of researchers from the fields of economics, political science, sociology, mathematics, history, and anthropology from both academic and practical backgrounds. The platform encourages researchers to share experiences and methodologies, and to forge their interests within an interdisciplinary framework enjoying the full academic freedom it provides.

Deutscher Verband der freien Übersetzer und Dolmetscher e. V.
The DVÜD e. V. represents the interests of professional translators and interpreters in Germany.
Their aim is the greater recognition of the two professions, which require the highest levels of competence and education, but are not protected by any regulations.
The DVÜD thus lobbies on behalf of the industry, and aims to ensure that the business community in Germany is conscious of the significance of translation and interpretation.

Jobtech Alliance
The Jobtech Alliance is an ecosystem-building initiative around inclusive jobtech in Africa launched in late 2021. We’re interested in digital platforms which connect people to work opportunities that build livelihoods – this includes gigmatching platforms, jobmatching, e-commerce marketplaces, and more. The Jobtech Alliance helps jobtech platforms to grow and create more jobs.

Oxford Internet Institute
The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet. Since its founding in 2001, research from the OII has had a significant impact on policy debate, formulation and implementation around the globe, as well as a secondary impact on people’s wellbeing, safety and understanding. Drawing on many different disciplines, the OII takes a combined approach to tackling society’s big questions, with the aim of positively shaping the development of the digital world for the public good. By signing the pledge, the Oxford Internet Institute has committed to integrating Fairwork principles in their operations.

Coonecta’s mission is to support cooperatives to enter the digital economy. They created RadarCoop, the first Brazilian mapping of the entrepreneurial and innovative cooperative ecosystem, and are in the process of launching AceleraCoop, a cooperative acceleration programme.

MindShop Knowledge Society
MindShop is a Mexican knowledge society for continuing education, offering educational courses and resources on philosophy, mathematics, Anthropocene studies, physics, and cognitive science to the general public. By signing the pledge, MindShop has committed to increasing the visibility of Fairwork in Mexico and supporting their principles throughout their work.

The Policy Initiative
The Policy Initiative (TPI) is a homegrown and independent think-tank in Lebanon founded in February 2021. TPI endeavours to empower the public to demand a better alternative and bring policies back to the people.
TPI aims to critically and empirically assess existing policies and generate meaningful alternatives. They also seek to engage with like-minded entities to harness the immense political and intellectual energy that still exists in the country.
As part of this mission, TPI runs the Fairwork Lebanon research that assesses platform workers’ working conditions in the country and advocates for a fairer future of work.

Novi Sindikat is a trade union in Croatia that advocates for workers’ rights and better working conditions. It is known for its active role in organizing strikes, protests, and negotiations with employers and the government. The union represents a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, public services, and education. Novi Sindikat focuses on issues such as fair wages, job security, and workplace safety. It aims to strengthen workers’ voices and influence labor policies in Croatia. The union often collaborates with other trade unions and international labor organizations to promote solidarity and social justice.
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