
Publicaciones Académicas

López. T., Feuerstein, P., de Vera, J., Varaschin, G., Karlıdağ, Z., & Graham, M. (2024) Cloudwork als Chance für den Globalen Süden?. Standort

Jean-Paul Van Belle, Kelle Howson, Mark Graham, Richard Heeks, Louise Bezuidenhout, Pitso Tsibolane, Darcy du Toit, Sandra Fredman, Paul Mungai (2023) ‘Fair work in South Africa’s gig Economy: A journey of engaged scholarship’, Digital Geography and Society, 5(2). Available at:

Arriagada, A., Bonhomme, M., Ibáñez, F. and Leyton, J. (2023) ‘The gig economy in Chile: Examining labor conditions and the nature of gig work in a Global South country’, Digital Geography and Society. Available at:

Rebechi, C. N., Figaro, R., Salvagni, J. and Silva, A. F. M. da. (2022) ‘Platformisation of the work of courier services in the context of the covid-19 pandemic clashes with the principles of decent work according to ILO’, Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 16(3), pp. 642–657. Available at:

Kelle Howson, Hannah Johnston, Matthew Cole, Fabian Ferrari, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Mark Graham (2022) ‘Unpaid labour and territorial extraction in digital value networks’, Global Networks, 00, pp. 1– 23. Available at:

马克·格雷厄姆 & 姚建华.(2022) 公平工作委员会:全球化语境下用工平台的治理策略’, 工会理论研究(上海工会管理职业学院学报), 4, pp. 66-74. Available at:

Cole, M., Cant, C., Ustek Spilda, F. and Graham, M. (2022) ‘Politics by Automatic Means? A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Ethics at Work’, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5. Available at:

Funda Ustek Spilda , Kelle Howson , Hannah Johnston , Alessio Bertolini , Patrick Feuerstein , Louise Bezuidenhout , Oğuz Alyanak , Mark Graham (2022) ‘Is anonymity dead?: Doing critical research on digital labour platforms through platform interfaces’, Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 16(1), pp. 72-87. Available at: DOI: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.16.1.0072

Howson, K. (2022) ‘Global Digital Labour Platforms Offer a Mirage of Inclusive Development in Africa,’ in A. Esterhuysen & W. Degezelle (eds.) Digital Futures for a Post-Pandemic World, pp. 37-41. Available at:

Kelle Howson, Alessio Bertolini, Srujana Katta, Funda Ustek-Spilda,
Mark Graham (2022) ‘The emerging geographies of platform labour: Intensifying trends in global capitalism’, in V. De Stefano, I. Durri and C. Stylogiannis et al (eds.) A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society, pp. 193-214. Available at:

Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Alyanak, O. (2022) ‘Gender and care work platform operational models: setting a research agenda,’ in O. Blanchard, C. Lopes, P. Devany (eds.) Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms, pp. 66-72. Available at:

van Doorn, N., Ferrari, F., and Graham., M. (2022) ‘Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention’, Work, Employment and Society, 37(4). Available at: 

Graham, M. and Ferrari, F. (eds.) (2022) Digital Work in the Planetary Market. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Sandra Fredman, Darcy du Toit, Mark Graham, Aradhana Cherupara,  Gautam Bhatia, Alessio Bertolini (2021) ‘International Regulation of Platform Labor: A Proposal for Action’, Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 1(1). Available at:

Alessio Bertolini, Kelle Howson, Srujana Katta, Funda Ustek-Spilda & Mark Graham (2021) ’Gig Economy and Sustainable Development’ in W. L. Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, et al (eds.) Decent Work and Economic Growth, pp. 1-10. Available at: DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_105-1

Kelle Howson, Fabian Ferrari, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Nancy Salem, Hannah Johnston, Srujana Katta, Richard Heeks, Mark Graham (2022) ‘Driving the digital value network: Economic geographies of global platform capitalism’, Global Networks, 22, pp. 631–648. Available at:

Salvagni, J., Colomby, R. K. and Cheron, C. (2021) ‘Em Contexto De Pandemia: Entregadores De Aplicativos, precarização Do Trabalho, Esgotamento E mobilização’, Simbiótica. Revista Eletrônica, 8(3), pp. 149-69. Available at:

Julice Salvagni, Victória Mendonça da Silva, Rafael Grohmann, Daniel Abs da Cruz4 (2021) ‘Por trabalho decente no cooperativismo de plataforma. Ciências do Trabalho’, Revista Ciências do Trabalho, 20. Available at:

Sai Englert, Mark Graham, Sandra Fredman, Darcy du Toit, Adam Badger, Richard Heeks, Jean-Paul Van Belle
(2021) ‘Workers, Platforms and the State: The Struggle over Digital Labour Platform Regulation’, in J. Drahokoupil & K, Vandael (eds.) Labour and the Platform Economy. Available at:

Pitso Tsibolane, Maria Belen Albornoz; Arturo Arriagada, Treviliana Eka Putri, Jean-Paul Van Belle, Henry Chavez, Richard Heeks, Kelle Howson, Macarena Bonhomme, Jorge Leyton, Francisco Ibáñez, Louise Bezuidenhout, Mark Graham (2021) ‘Fairwork in the platform economy: A Global South perspective’, in R. Albrieu (ed.) Cracking the future of work. Automation and labor platforms in the Global South, pp. 180-121. Available at:

Grohmann, R., Nonato, C., Marques, A. F., & Acosta Camargo, C (2021) ‘As Estratégias de Comunicação das Plataformas de Trabalho: Circulação de Sentidos nas Mídias Sociais das Empresas no Brasil’, Comunicação e Sociedade, 39, pp. 17–37. Available at:

Mark Graham, Paul Mungai, Jean-Paul Van Belle & Jamie Woodcock (2021) ‘Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework’, The Information Society, 37(5), pp. 267-286. Available at:

Kelle Howson, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Alessio Bertolini, Richard Heeks, Fabian Ferrari, Srujana Katta, Matthew Cole, Pablo Aguera Reneses, Nancy Salem, David Sutcliffe, Shelly Steward, Mark Graham
(2021) ‘Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic’, International Labour Review, 161, pp. 413-440. Available at:

Alessio Bertolini, Maren Borkert, Fabian Ferrari, Mark Graham (2021) ‘Towards decent work in the digital age: introducing the fairwork project in Germany, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, 75, pp. 187-192. Available at: 10.1007/s41449-021-00247-w

Woodcock, J. and Graham, M. (2020) The Gig Economy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Belén Albornoz, M. and Chávez, H. (2020) ‘De la gestión algorítmica del trabajo a la huelga 4.0’, Mundos Plurales, 7(2), pp. 43-54. Available at:

Richard Heeks, Juan Erasmo Gomez-Morantes, Mark Graham, Kelle Howson, Paul Mungai, Brian Nicholson, Jean-Paul Van Belle (2021) ‘Digital Platforms and Institutional Voids in Developing Countries’, World Development, 145. Available at:

Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. (2021) ‘Fissures in Algorithmic Power: Platforms, Code, and Contestation’, Cultural Studies, 35, 814-832. Available at:

Kelle Howson, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Rafael Grohmann, Nancy Salem, Rodrigo Carelli, Daniel Abs, Julice Salvagni, Mark Graham, Maria Belen Balbornoz, Henry Chavez, Arturo Arriagada, and Macarena Bonhomme (2020) ‘Just because you don’t see your boss, doesn’t mean you don’t have a boss’: Covid- 19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America’, International Union Rights, 27(3), pp. 20-21. Available at:

Sandra Fredman, Darcy du Toit, Mark Graham,Kelle Howson, Richard Heeks,Jean-Paul van Belle, Paul Mungai & Abigail Osiki (2020) ‘Thinking Out of the Box: Fair Work for Platform Workers’, King’s Law Journal, 31(2), pp. 236-249. Available at:

Srujana Katta, Adam Badger, Mark Graham, Kelle Howson, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Alessio Bertolini (2020) ‘(Dis)embeddedness and (de)commodification: COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy’, Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2), pp. 203-207. Available at:

Mark Graham, Jamie Woodcock, Richard Heeks, Paul Mungai, Jean-Paul Van Belle, Darcy du Toit, Sandra Fredman, Abigail Osiki, Anri van der Spuy, Six M. Silberman (2020) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context’, Geoforum, 112, pp. 100-103. Available at:

Katta, S., Howson, K. and Graham, M. (2020) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Action Research on the Gig Economy’, Global Dialogue, 10(1), pp. 44–46. Available at:

Graham, Mark, Woodcock, Jamie, Heeks, Richard, Fredman, Sandra
Du Toit, Darcy, Belle, Jean-Paul van, Mungai, Paul, Osiki, Abigal (2019) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Improving Platform Work’, in The Weizenbaum Conference 2019 Challenges of Digital Inequality – Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life, p. 8. Available at:

Graham, M. and Woodcock, J. (2018) ‘Towards a Fairer Platform Economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation’, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 29, pp. 242-253. Available at:

Graham, M. and Shaw, J. (eds.) (2017) Towards a Fairer Gig Economy. London: Meatspace Press.