

Fairwork Chile

The growth of digital work platforms has been highly favoured by structuralconditions in Chile: a liberal economic history, high internet penetration, and a significant flow of migrant labour. Since the turn of the century, Chile has enjoyed one of the highest levels of internet penetration in Latin America. This has favoured the rise of the gig economy, with more jobs, flexibility and independence. Notwithstanding, the promise of managing your own time, at your own pace, and being your own boss — presented as an advantage to workers — gig work also brings with it various forms of precariousness, exhausting shifts, exposure to risks, and few labour protections. Users, for their part, may not see or understand these risks clearly, since they value the convenience, speed, and low prices of these platforms.

The Fairwork Chile team is composed of Arturo Arriagada(PI), Jorge Leyton, Francisco Ibáñez and Tatiana López.

Policy engagement:

Chile’s Labour Ministry has invited Arturo Arriagada, Principal Investigator for Fairwork Chile, to be part of a working group with other scholars to analyse the implementation of the new platform labour law.


Report Launch Webinar: Fairwork Chile Ratings 2021


The Clinic (16/06/21) – Informe Fairwork evidencia condiciones laborales: cobertura del informe

La Tercera (10/06/21) – La precariedad de los “socios” conductores y repartidores: entrevista Arturo Arriagada y Macarena Bonhomme

Radio Sonar (11/06/21) – Entrevista a Arturo Arriagada, profesor de la Escuela de Comunicaciones y Periodismo UAI e investigador principal de Fair Work Chile

Radio Pauta (03/06/21) – UAI junto Oxford y Fairwork desarrollaron estudio sobre condiciones laborales de las app

Diario Financiero (03/06/21) – Plataformas digitales y estándar laboral

Radio La Clave – El Mostrador (02/06/21) – Estudio Fairwork Chile, entrevista a Macarena Bonhomme

Diario Financiero (02/06/2021) – Plataformas digitales y estándar laboral

Diario Financiero (01/06/21) – Informe Fairwork Chile 2021 evidencia bajos estándares laborales de las app

Diario UACh (01/06/21) – Lanzan informe de Fairwork Chile sobre trabajo de plataformas en el país

Mediabanco (01/06/21) – Fairwork Chile Puntuaciones 2021

Radio Futuro (15/05/21) – Entrevista a Arturo Arriagada, profesor de la Escuela de Comunicaciones y Periodismo de la UAI e investigador principal de Fairwork Chile

Tele 13 Radio (15/05/2021) – Entrevista a Arturo Arriagada, profesor de la Escuela de Comunicaciones y Periodismo de la UAI e investigador principal de Fairwork Chile

Ciper Académico Chile (06/03/21) – Trabajadores desprotegidos, mal pagados y sin posibilidad de negociar: abriendo la caja negra de las plataformas digitales en Chile

Observatorio de Desigualdades UDP (06/02/21) – Entrevista a Macarena Bonhomme sobre lanzamiento del Informe Fairwork Chile

Tele 13 Radio (05/01/21) – Malas notas se sacaron las aplicaciones