Policy Brief: Fairwork Recommendations for the EU Directive on Platform Work
Fairwork Colombia Ratings 2023: The Mobilities of Gig Work in Colombia
Fairwork Peru Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2023: Working Conditions in Unsafe Contexts
Fairwork India Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
Fairwork Vietnam Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
10 Demands by Women Ride-hailing and Food Delivery Workers in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya
Fairwork Tanzania Ratings 2023: Towards Improving Platform Work in Tanzania
Policy Brief: Generative AI, Jobs, and Policy Response
Fairwork Indonesia Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
Fairwork Bosnia and Herzegovina Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
Fairwork Publications
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Annual Report 2023: State of the Global Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork South Africa Ratings 2023: Advocating for safety, and dignity in the Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Bangladesh Ratings 2023: Is it a Time for a Regulatory Framework? DataSense, iSocial. Dhaka, Bangladesh; Oxford, United Kingdom
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Kenya Ratings 2023: The Promise and Peril of Platform Work in the Kenyan Platform Economy. Oxford, UK; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork AI Ratings 2023: The Workers Behind AI at Sama. Global Partnership on AI. Oxford: United Kingdom.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Morocco Ratings 2023: Assessing Working Conditions in the Moroccan Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Lebanon Ratings 2023: Platform Work in Times of Crisis. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork 2023 Translation & Transcription Platform Ratings. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Georgia Ratings 2023: Old Challenges and New Forms of Work in the Neoliberal Paradise. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Kenya Ratings 2023: The Promise and Peril of Platform Work in the Kenyan Platform Economy. Oxford, UK; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Albania Ratings 2023: Assessing Work in the Albanian Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Colombia Ratings 2023: The Mobilities of Gig Work in Colombia. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Peru Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2023: Working Conditions in Unsafe Contexts. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork India Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy. Bengaluru, India; Oxford, United Kingdom
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Vietnam Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Tanzania Ratings 2023: Towards Improving Platform Work in Tanzania. Oxford, United Kingdom; Berlin, Germany
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Nigeria Ratings 2023: Advocating for Increased Safety and Security in the Platform Economy; Nigeria.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Egypt Ratings 2022/23: Platform Workers Amidst Egypt’s Economic Crisis; Egypt.
- Fairwork (2023) Gender and Platform Work: Beyond Techno-Solutionism; Global.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2022/23: Platform Hybrid Models; Ecuador.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork UK Ratings 2023: A Call for Transparency; UK.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Mexico Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Mexico.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Brazil Ratings 2023: Still Pursuing Decent Work in the Platform Economy; Brazil.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023: Work in the Planetary Labour Market; Global.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork US Ratings 2023: A Crisis of Safety and Fair Work in a Racialised Platform Economy; US.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Philippines Ratings 2023: Protecting Worker Health, Safety, and Security in the Philippine Platform Economy; Philippines.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Uganda Ratings 2023: A Need for Pro-Worker Change; Uganda.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Pakistan Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Pakistan.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Jordan Ratings 2023: Working Conditions in the Platform Economy; Jordan.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Serbia Ratings 2023: Delivering Discontent: Dynamic Pricing and Worker Unrest; Serbia.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Bosnia and Herzegovina Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Fairwork (2023) Fairwork Indonesia Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Indonesia.
- Fairwork (2022); Fairwork Kenya Ratings 2022: Towards Regulating the Platform Economy; Kenya.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Argentina Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Argentina.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022: Towards Fairness in the Platform Economy; Austria.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Bangladesh Ratings 2022: State of work in Bangladesh Gig Economy; Bangladesh.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Belgium Ratings 2022: Towards Decent Work in the Platform Economy; Belgium.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Chile Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Chile.
- Fairwork (2022) New regulation of platform work in Chile: a missed opportunity?; Chile.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Colombia Ratings 2022: The Promise of Social Security Reforms in the Platform Economy; Colombia.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Ecuador.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork France Ratings 2022: Towards Better Working Conditions on Bicycle Delivery Platforms; France.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Ghana Ratings 2022: Towards Better Policies in the Platform Economy; Ghana.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Ghana 2022: Good practices Booklet for Fairer Platform Work; Ghana.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Annual Report 2022; Global.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork 2022 Translation & Transcription Platform Ratings; Global.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2022: Work in the Planetary Labour Market; Global.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork India Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; India.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Indonesia 2022 Ratings: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Indonesia.
- Fairwork (2022) Domestic Platform Work in the Middle East and North Africa; MENA.
- Fairwork (2022) Faiwork Nigeria Ratings: Working in the Nigerian Ride-hailing Sector; Nigeria.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Pakistan Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Pakistan.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Paraguay Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Paraguay.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Philippines Ratings 2022: Towards Fair Labour Conditions in the PH Platform Economy; Philippines.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Serbia Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Serbia.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork South Africa Ratings 2022: Platform work amidst the cost of living crisis; South Africa.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Tanzania Ratings 2022: Towards Better Policies in the Platform Economy; Tanzania.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork UK Ratings 2022: Collective Worker Power; UK.
- Fairwork (2022) Fairwork Colombia Ratings 2022: Rising Cost of Living and Decent Incomes in the Platform Economy; Colombia.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Bangladesh Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; Bangladesh.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Brazil Ratings 2021: Towards Decent Work in the Platform Economy; Brazil.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Chile Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Chile.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Ecuador Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; Ecuador.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Egypt Ratings 2021: Towards Decent Work in a Highly Informal Economy; Egypt.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Germany Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Germany.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Ghana Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Ghana.
- Fairwork (2021) Work in the Planetary Labour Market: Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2021; Global.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Annual Report 2021; Global.
- Fairwork (2021) Join the Pledge: Together for Fair Platform Work!; Global.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork India Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; India.
- Fairwork (2021) Skills for the Planetary Labour Market: Indian Workers in the Platform Economy; India.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Indonesia Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; Indonesia.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Kenya Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; Kenya.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork Serbia Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Serbia.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork South Africa Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; South Africa.
- Fairwork (2021) Fairwork UK Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; UK.
- Fairwork (2020) Fairwork Germany Ratings 2020: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; Germany.
- Fairwork (2020) Fairwork 2020 Annual Report; Global.
- Fairwork (2020) The Gig Economy and Covid-19: Looking Ahead; Global.
- Fairwork (2020) The Gig Economy and Covid-19; Global.
- Fairwork (2020) Fairwork India Ratings 2020: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy; India.
- Fairwork (2020) Code of Good Practice for the Regulation of Platform Work in South Africa; South Africa.
- Fairwork (2020) Gig-Workers, Platforms and Government during Covid-19 in South Africa; South Africa.
- Fairwork (2020) Fairwork South Africa Ratings 2020: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy; South Africa.
- Fairwork (2020) The Five Pillars of Fairwork; South Africa, India.
Academic Publications
Garavaglia, P. (2024) Las plataformas de trabajo como reproductoras de desigualdades. Cet.la
López. T., Feuerstein, P., de Vera, J., Varaschin, G., Karlıdağ, Z., & Graham, M. (2024) Cloudwork als Chance für den Globalen Süden?. Standort
- Van Belle, J. P., Howson, K., Graham, M., et al. (2023) ‘Fair work in South Africa’s gig Economy: A journey of engaged scholarship’, Digital Geography and Society, 5(2). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diggeo.2023.100064
- Arriagada, A., Bonhomme, M., Ibáñez, F. and Leyton, J. (2023) ‘The gig economy in Chile: Examining labor conditions and the nature of gig work in a Global South country’, Digital Geography and Society. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diggeo.2023.100063
- Rebechi, C. N., Figaro, R., Salvagni, J. and Silva, A. F. M. da. (2022) ‘Platformisation of the work of courier services in the context of the covid-19 pandemic clashes with the principles of decent work according to ILO’, Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 16(3), pp. 642–657. Available at: https://doi.org/10.29397/reciis.v16i3.3166
- Howson, K., Johnston, H., Cole, M. et al. (2022) ‘Unpaid labour and territorial extraction in digital value networks’, Global Networks, 00, pp. 1– 23. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12407
- 马克·格雷厄姆 & 姚建华.(2022) ‘公平工作委员会:全球化语境下用工平台的治理策略’, 工会理论研究(上海工会管理职业学院学报), 4, pp. 66-74. Available at: https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?
- Cole, M., Cant, C., Ustek Spilda, F. and Graham, M. (2022) ‘Politics by Automatic Means? A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Ethics at Work’, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.869114
- Ustek Spilda, F., Howson, K., Johnston, H et al. (2022) ‘Is anonymity dead?: Doing critical research on digital labour platforms through platform interfaces’, Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 16(1), pp. 72-87. Available at: DOI: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.16.1.0072
- Howson, K. (2022) ‘Global Digital Labour Platforms Offer a Mirage of Inclusive Development in Africa,’ in A. Esterhuysen & W. Degezelle (eds.) Digital Futures for a Post-Pandemic World, pp. 37-41. Available at: https://www.globalinformationsocietywatch.org/index.php/en/digital-rights-internet-advocacy-meaningful-access/global-digital-labour-platforms-offer-mirage
- Howson, K., Bertolini, A., Katta, S. et al. (2022) ‘The emerging geographies of platform labour: Intensifying trends in global capitalism’, in V. De Stefano, I. Durri and C. Stylogiannis et al (eds.) A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society, pp. 193-214. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/h/elg/eechap/20577_11.html
- Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Alyanak, O. (2022) ‘Gender and care work platform operational models: setting a research agenda,’ in O. Blanchard, C. Lopes, P. Devany (eds.) Global perspectives on women, work, and digital labour platforms, pp. 66-72. Available at: https://digitalfuturesociety.com/app/uploads/2022/11/Global_Perspectives_on_Women_Work_and_Digital_Labour_Platforms.pdf
- van Doorn, N., Ferrari, F., and Graham., M. (2022) ‘Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention’, Work, Employment and Society, 37(4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170221096581
- Graham, M. and Ferrari, F. (eds.) (2022) Digital Work in the Planetary Market. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M. et al. (2021) ‘International Regulation of Platform Labor: A Proposal for Action’, Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 1(1). Available at: https://doi.org/10.34669/wi.wjds/1.1.4
- Bertolini, A., Howson, K., Katta, S., et al. (2021) ’Gig Economy and Sustainable Development’ in W. L. Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, et al (eds.) Decent Work and Economic Growth, pp. 1-10. Available at: DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_105-1
- Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Ustek-Spilda, F. et al. (2022) ‘Driving the digital value network: Economic geographies of global platform capitalism’, Global Networks, 22, pp. 631–648. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12358
- Salvagni, J., Colomby, R. K. and Cheron, C. (2021) ‘Em Contexto De Pandemia: Entregadores De Aplicativos, precarização Do Trabalho, Esgotamento E mobilização’, Simbiótica. Revista Eletrônica, 8(3), pp. 149-69. Available at: https://doi.org/10.47456/simbitica.v8i3.3681
- Salvagni, J., Silva, V. M., Grohmann, R., et al. (2021) ‘Por trabalho decente no cooperativismo de plataforma. Ciências do Trabalho’, Revista Ciências do Trabalho, 20. Available at: https://rct.dieese.org.br/index.php/rct/article/view/280/pdf
- Englert, S., Graham. M., Fredman, S., et al. (2021) ‘Workers, Platforms and the State: The Struggle over Digital Labour Platform Regulation’, in J. Drahokoupil & K, Vandael (eds.) Labour and the Platform Economy. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/h/elg/eechap/18641_10.html
- Tsibolane, P., Albornoz, M., Arriagada, A., et al. (2021) ‘Fairwork in the platform economy: A Global South perspective’, in R. Albrieu (ed.) Cracking the future of work. Automation and labor platforms in the Global South, pp. 180-121. Available at: https://fowigs.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Cracking-the-future-of-work.-Automation-and-labor-platforms-in-the-Global-South-FOWIGS.pdf
- Grohmann, R., Cláudia, N., Ana Flávia M., et al. (2021) ‘As Estratégias de Comunicação das Plataformas de Trabalho: Circulação de Sentidos nas Mídias Sociais das Empresas no Brasil’, Comunicação e Sociedade, 39, pp. 17–37. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17231/comsoc.39(2021).2879
- Heeks, R., Graham, M., Mungai, P., et al. (2021) ‘Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework’, The Information Society, 37(5), pp. 267-286. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/01972243.2021.1942356
- Howson, K., Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., et al. (2021) ‘Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic’, International Labour Review, 161, pp. 413-440. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/ilr.12222
- Bertolini, A., Borkert, M., Ferrari, F., et al (2021) ‘Towards decent work in the digital age: introducing the fairwork project in Germany, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, 75, pp. 187-192. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/ilr.12222
- Woodcock, J. and Graham, M. (2020) The Gig Economy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Belén Albornoz, M. and Chávez, H. (2020) ‘De la gestión algorítmica del trabajo a la huelga 4.0’, Mundos Plurales, 7(2), pp. 43-54. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17141/mundosplurales.2.2020.4848
- Heeks, R., Gomez Morantes, J. E., Graham, M., et al. (2021) ‘Digital Platforms and Institutional Voids in Developing Countries’, World Development, 145. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105528
- Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. (2021) ‘Fissures in Algorithmic Power: Platforms, Code, and Contestation’, Cultural Studies, 35, 814-832. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09502386.2021.1895250
- Howson, K., Ustek Spilda, F., Grohmann, R., et al. (2020) ‘Just because you don’t see your boss, doesn’t mean you don’t have a boss’: Covid- 19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America’, International Union Rights, 27(3), pp. 20-21. Available at: https://ictur.org/pdf/IUR273.pdf
- Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M., et al. (2020) ‘Thinking Out of the Box: Fair Work for Platform Workers’, King’s Law Journal, 31(2), pp. 236-249. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09615768.2020.1794196
- Katta, S., Badger, A., Graham, M., et al. (2020) ‘(Dis)embeddedness and (de)commodification: COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy’, Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2), pp. 203-207. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820620934942
- Graham, M., Woodcock, J., Heeks, R., et al. (2020) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context’, Geoforum, 112, pp. 100-103. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.01.023
- Katta, S., Howson, K. and Graham, M. (2020) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Action Research on the Gig Economy’, Global Dialogue, 10(1), pp. 44–46. Available at: https://globaldialogue.isa-sociology.org/articles/the-fairwork-foundation-action-research-on-the-gig-economy
- Graham, M., Woodcock, J., Heeks, R. et al. (2019) ‘The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Improving Platform Work’, in The Weizenbaum Conference 2019 Challenges of Digital Inequality – Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life, p. 8. Available at: https://doi.org/10.34669/wi.cp/2.13
- Graham, M. and Woodcock, J. (2018) ‘Towards a Fairer Platform Economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation’, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 29, pp. 242-253. Available at: https://alternateroutes.ca/index.php/ar/article/view/22455
- Graham, M. and Shaw, J. (eds.) (2017) Towards a Fairer Gig Economy. London: Meatspace Press.
Opinion Pieces
- Garavaglia, P., and Valente, J. (2023) ‘¿Cómo evitar la precarización laboral en las plataformas digitales?’, Pagina 12, 1 October.
- Carelli, R. (2023) ‘O acerto e o erro de Lula em relação ao trabalho por plataforma digital’, GGN Portal, 25 September.
- Valente, J. (2023) ‘The Human Cost of the AI Boom’, TechCrunch, 22 August.
- Lubke, G., Bhargava, S., Valente, J., Aguera, P., and Gidda, N. (2023) ‘Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023: Work in the Planetary Labour Market’, BMZ Digital.Global, 15 August.
- Gidda, N., and Bhargava, S. (2023) ‘The gig economy risks rolling back hard-fought gender-based entitlements in the workplace’, BMZ Digital.Global, 28 June.
- Dinegro, A. (2023) ‘Representative of Fairwork Oxford, in Peru’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 31 May.
- Dinegro, A. (2023) ‘Meeting with representatives of the Yango app’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 25 April.
- Dinegro, A., and Espinoza, U. (2023) ‘Municipality of Miraflores announces that it will register and require the use of GPS as requirements for the motorcycle delivery service’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 20 April.
- Dinegro, A. (2023) ‘Observatory of Platforms-Peru meets with ILO’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 23 March.
- Graham, M. (2023) ‘Die unsichtbare Arbeit hinter der KI’, Tagesspiegel Background, 16 March.
- Soriano, C. R. (2023) ‘Digital Labour Platforms Must Provide Philippine Gig Workers a Fair Deal’, Fulcrum, 2 February.
- Dubal, V. (2023) ‘This house always wins: the algorithmic gamblification of work’, LPE Project, 23 January.
- Alyanak, O., and Karlıdağ, Z. (2023) ‘Dünyanın bütün kuryeleri, birleşin!’, 1+1 Express, 17 January.
- Dinegro, A. (2023) ‘Congress of the Republic debates expelling people who deliver in Peru’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 3 January.
- Katta, S., Au, Y., and Neerukonda, M. (2022) ‘Hazy Data Days: Delivery Dispatches from Hyderabad’, Data and Society, 7 December.
- Garavaglia, P. (2022) ‘Cómo operan las plataformas de transporte en el AMBA’, BAE Negocios, 2 December.
- Arriagada, A., Leyton, J., Ibáñez, F., Browne, S. (2022) ‘Trabajo justo en plataformas digitales: No es fácil ser tu propio jefe’, Ciper Chile, 30 November.
- Tsibolane, P. (2022) ‘RIP gig economy? How platform workers can survive a string of economic shocks’, News24, 15 October.
- Dinegro, A. (2022) ‘National consultations in the context of the evaluation on the state of readiness of Peru for electronic commerce’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 7 October.
- Valente, J., and Salvagni, J. (2022) ‘Nas eleições, o futuro de milhões de brasileiros que trabalham por plataformas está em jogo’, Blog da Boitempo, 29 September.
- Alyanak, O., and Karlidag, Z. (2022) ‘Why Germany Continues to Fail Its Migrant Workers’, Jacobin, 10 September.
- Dinegro, A. (2022) ‘Meeting with Directors of Didi and representative of Deliverymen of Lima’, Observatorio de Plataformas-Perú, 18 August.
- Arubayi, D. (2022) ‘Ride-hailing in Lagos: algorithmic impacts and driver resistance’, The Conversation, 1 August.
- Griesser, M., Gruber-Risak, M. and Vogel, L (2022) ‘Erste österreichische Fairwork-Studie: Arbeitsrecht wirkt auch in der Plattformwirtschaft!’, AandW Blog, 7 July.
- Garavaglia, P. (2022) ‘Platform work in Argentina: Will regulation catch up with impacts of the pandemic?,Reshaping Work, 24 May.
- Bertolini, A., Lopez, T., Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Feuerstein, P. and Budu, J. (2022) ‘What Does the War in Ukraine Mean for Platform Workers?’, International Review of Sociology Blog, 10 May.
- Putri, T. and Heeks R. (2023) ‘Indonesia’s gig economy falling short on decent work standards’, Global Dialogue, 3 February.
- Graham, M. and López, T. (2021) ‘The Fairwork Pledge: Digital labour platforms, precarious work and interventions for a fairer gig economy’, OECD Forum Network, 13 December.
- Cant, C. (2021) ‘The Gig Economy Needs to Change – And the Public Knows It’, Tribune Magazine, 29 November.
- Howson, K., Feuerstein, P., Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Johnston, H. and Graham, M. (2021) ‘Online Labor Platforms: Power Sans Accountability?’, Global Dialogue, 5 November.
- Aguera, P. and Feuerstein, P. (2021) ‘The Power of Allyship: Why We Need Each Other to Make Platform Work Fair’, Reshaping Work, 7 October.
- Tsibolane, P. (2021) ‘Exploiting gig workers will only make SA’s jobs crisis worse’, FIN24, 20 September.
- Bezuidenhout, L. (2021) ‘Role of ethics in gig economy raises questions’, ILO, 17 September.
- Tsibolane, P. (2021) ‘Gig workers need their fair share’, Business Live, 22 July.
- Bezuidenhout, L. (2021) ‘Choose platforms that support their gig economy workers survive during a pandemic’, Mail and Guardian, 9 July.
- Graham, M. and Howson, K. (2021) ‘When WFH is the norm: The unfair conditions of the global online work economy’, University of Oxford, 15 June.
- Bonhomme, M. (2021) ‘Trabajadores migrantes en la economía de plataformas: un nuevo tipo de trabajo sin derechos’, Observatorio de Desigualdades UDP, 10 June.
- Arriagada, A., Bonhomme, M., Leyton, J. and Ibáñez, F. (2021) ‘Trabajadores desprotegidos, mal pagados y sin posibilidad de negociar: abriendo la caja negra de las plataformas digitales en Chile’, CIPER Chile, 10 June.
- Carelli, R. (2021) ‘Os desafios para a regulação do trabalho em plataformas’, NexoJornal, Nexo Políticas Públicas, 8 April.
- Grohmann, F. and Graham, M. (2021) ‘É possível trabalho decente em plataformas digitais?’, Nexo Políticas Públicas, 8 April.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Neerukonda, M., Taduri P., Graham M., Salem N. (2020) ‘COVID-19, the gig economy and the hunger for surveillance’, Ada Lovelace Institute, 8 December.
- Steward, S. (2020) ‘California’s new ‘gig worker’ law – why EU must say No’, EUObserver, 12 November.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R. and Graham, M. (2020) ‘Who will protect the workers, if not the platforms?’, Social Europe, 28 May.
- Graham, M., Ustek-Spilda, F., Howson, K., Katta, S., Bertolini, A., Badger, A. and Ferrari, F. (2020) ‘If platforms do not protect gig workers, who will?’, Geography Directions, 22 May.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Fredman, S., Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Neerukonda, M., Taduri, P., Badger, A., and Salem, N. (2020) ‘How is the platform economy responding to Covid-19?’ openDemocracy, 14 May.
- Graham, M., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., Katta, S., Bertolini, A., Badger, A. and Ferrari, F. (2020) ‘If platforms do not protect gig workers, who will?’, New Internationalist, 23 April.
- Medappa, K. and Taduri, P. (2020) ‘By crowdfunding benefits for embattled workers, app-based services are evading their own obligations’, Scroll.in, 22 April.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., Badger, A., Howson, K., Neerukonda, M. and Taduro, P. (2020) ‘Covid-19 Policies leave gig workers out in the cold’, Bot Populi, 9 April.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Ferrari, F. and, Howson, K. (2020) ‘From Social Distancing to Social Solidarity: Gig economy and the Covid-19’, OECD Development Matters Blog, 27 March.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., Badger, A., Howson, K., Neerukonda, M. (2020) ‘The Politics of Covid-19: Gig work in the coronavirus crisis’ Red Pepper, 26 March.
- Howson, K. (2020) ‘COVID-19 brings into sharp relief the risks faced by gig workers’, Business Brief, 19 March.
- Howson, K. (2020) ‘Gig workers are at the front line of pandemic’, Mail and Guardian, 19 March.
- Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Katta, S., Howson, K., and Ferrari, F. (2020) ‘The untenable luxury of self-isolation’, New Internationalist, 18 March.
- Howson, K. (2020) ‘Why you should start talking to your Uber driver’, Daily Maverick, 1 March.
- Howson, K., Katta, S., Graham, M., and Ustek-Spilda, F. (2020) ‘Uber and Deliveroo’s ‘charter of good work’ is nothing but fairwashing’, openDemocracy, 3 February. Also translated into Portuguese by CartaCapital as O lobo cuida do galinheiro on Feb 17, 2020.
- Howson, K., Graham, M. and Katta, S. (2019) ‘Platform workers, the future of work and Britain’s election’, LSE media blog,11 December.
- Graham, M. (2019) ‘How to build a fairer gig economy in 4 steps’, World Economic Forum, 1 November. Also translated into Portuguese in Carta Capital.
- Graham, M., Englert, S. and Woodcock, J. (2019) ‘Holding platforms accountable to digital workers’ rights’, New Internationalist, 1 May.
- Graham, M., Ferrari, F. and Woodcock, J. (2019) ‘Plattformökonomie braucht Mindeststandards’, Der Tagesspiegel, 15 April.
- Gillwald, A., Graham, M., Englert, S., van der Spuy, A., and Woodcock, J. (2019) ‘Fairwork exposes exploitation in gig economy amid regulatory vacuum’, Business Day, 11 April.
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